Brain Injury Care Provider

Motor neurone disease

Motor neurone disease (MND) covers a wide range of different neurological disorders, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, primary lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, progressive bulbar palsy and pseudobulbar palsy. As complex care in the home specialists, Almond Care makes it a priority to understand the client’s specific condition and symptoms.

Almond Care creates a bespoke package that provides complex care in the home tailored to the client’s specific physical, mental and emotional needs while respecting their wishes, preferences and lifestyle choices.

With this approach, we are able to tailor our motor neurone disease care to every stage, from initial diagnosis through to the latter stages, which can require highly complex and intensive levels of care.

Start your care journey here

Care is delivered by trained and qualified carers, experienced in the wide range of symptoms and requirements caused by motor neurone disease at every stage of its development.

Our carers offer a combination of clinical care and other aspects of care. This includes mobility support, incontinence management, feeding, medication, respiratory management, communication, personal care, housekeeping, social interaction, companionship and exploring any hobbies and interests.

Because our carers build constructive working relationships with our clients, they are also ideally placed to identify early signs and symptoms that their motor neurone disease is progressing, so that appropriate action or changes to care provision can be implemented.

For a free, no-obligation discussion about our UK complex care in the home for brain injuryspinal cord injurylong-term ventilationcerebral palsymultiple sclerosismuscular dystrophy and other neurological conditions, please click here or call 024 7610 2333.

Call us today!

For a free, no-obligation discussion about our UK complex care in the home for brain injury, spinal cord injury, long-term ventilation, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and other neurological conditions, please click here or call 024 7610 2333.