Brain Injury Care Provider

Quality Assurance Survey

Thank you for taking part in your friends, relatives and advocates survey, your feedback is important to us.

This survey should be used by friends, relatives and advocates of a person we care for.

The person important to you is at the heart of the care we provide and your answers will help us with or commitment to improve the service we deliver their care and to improve staff development.

The survey should take around 15 minutes and we appreciate your response.

If there is a particular issue you would like to raise, it would be helpful to provide your details so that we are able to explore this with you. You will be asked for your details at the end of the survey, however you can choose to respond anonymously if you wish.

Click here to begin survey

Call us today!

For a free, no-obligation discussion about our UK complex care in the home for brain injury, spinal cord injury, long-term ventilation, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and other neurological conditions, please click here or call 024 7610 2333.